Discover more about child sponsorship

Practical help to have hope for the future

The children we support live in conditions of extreme poverty, plenty of them are orphans, others go through violent and abusive situations within their familiar context. Many others have families that cannot support them. 

The reality of slums and rural areas in Kenya are an extreme emergency: in the slums people live in the filth of Dandora dump, where many kids are exploited. Consequences are lung and bacterial diseases, as well as the absolute prohibition of having access to proper education in order to meet the family expenses. The wounds of Africa are well known by everyone: undernourishment, malnutrition, HIV and AIDS, sickle cell disease, poverty, exploitation. 

These are not only words. This is the reality. And we are trying to fight that reality every day: we bring kids to school, to let them have access to a school career; we give them daily meals; drinking water; food and a stimulating environment in which they can get away with the reality of the slums. 

 Through child sponsorship, we want to give those children a future. We want to get them away from poverty, malnutrition, abuse and violence. 

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Child sponsorship can get the child away from dangerous situations.

Child sponsorship allows you to observe, live and explore a child’s life which, thanks to your support, is finally changing. 

However, child sponsorship is way more: it is a real family connection, an authentic and long-lasting relationship between the long-distance parent and the child.  

Child sponsorship is a tangible help, through which we can offer continuity to our projects. The result is to move children away from child labour, from poverty and degradation. Those kids move towards a future of death and diseases: Nairobi’s slums are among the most polluted in the world, and children, headed by gangsters in collusion with power groups, are obliged to gather by hand garbage, so that it can be reused. 

Child sponsorship can change that reality and give those kids a future. 

“Since when I entered Alice Village, my life has changed. At school, I have fun and I learn a lot. I am very grateful to have known Silvia and Bartolomeo: they are my parents.”
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Fredah, 10 years old
She lived at Alice Village since she was 4.

How to sponsor a child

Ask for information

Activate a sponsorship online

To sponsor with Alice for Children is simple and safe. 

Or call Tania, our sponsorship program coordinator, at 347 2943608, or send a text message or Whatsapp 



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