Social Responsibility with Alice for Children

Together we can build a better future for children in Nairobi slums


Alice for Children is a humanitarian organization that lives and thrives on the solidarity of others.

Business today is not solely focused on profit, but also social activities.

Enhance employee engagement while making a tangible difference in the world by providing concrete assistance to children and communities in need.

Alice for Children was born from the dream of an entrepreneur and his wife.
Since 2006, we have been dedicated to developing projects in the most impoverished areas of the Nairobi slums in Kenya, supporting 3,000 children and their families.
Our goal is simple: to provide them with food, healthcare, education, and the necessary tools to build a brighter future.

How companies can help

Get in contact

Discover how you can collaborate with us

There are many ways we can work together and develop new projects. Explore and learn about these opportunities.

Get in touch with Elisa, our Corporate Partnership Contact, at +39 348 7476160 or [email protected]

WHY support our projects

Transforming lives in the slums of Korogocho and Dandora, Nairobi Kenya: Join us to make a real difference.


Kenya ranks 146th on the Human Development Index. We operate in the slums of Korogocho and Dandora, some of the most difficult places to live in. The prevalence of AIDS is devastating, affecting primarily women and children at a rate of 60%. Child labor is alarmingly high, with 50% of all children aged from 5 to 14 engaged in work. Many of these children suffer from severe respiratory problems and infections due to their involvement in the Dandora landfill, the largest in Africa. These children and their families represent the most marginalized and vulnerable individuals, enduring the harshest circumstances.

Together, we have the power to change their lives. Through the construction of schools, healthcare facilities, and our unwavering commitment, we have already brought comfort to over 3,000 children and young adults. Join us in this impactful journey of transitioning lives in the slums of Korogocho and Dandora.

Partner with us through concrete projects.


Support from companies can significantly enhance Alice for Children’s operations on the African continent. By joining forces, your contribution can expand our supply and aid resources, strengthen the network of family support, and make a lasting impact on our educational and training projects. Together, we can make a resounding difference and create positive, lasting change in the lives of those in need.

You will know exactly how much has been donated to the association through events, fundraisers, donations, and volunteering. We allocate 100% of the proceeds to one or more specific projects.

These projects can also be dedicated to your company, symbolizing the invaluable support provided by your entire organization, and commemorated with a plaque!

Make the world a better place, do your part


Alice for Children’s projects are in line with the UN 2030 Agenda, which aims to achieve a better and more sustainable world for all. The Agenda encompasses global challenges, and Alice for Children strives every day to contribute towards these key goals:

Goal 1: End poverty

Goal 2: Eliminate hunger

Goal 3: Improve health and well-being

Goal 4: Ensure quality education

Goal 5: Promote gender equality

Goal 8: Foster decent work and economic growth

Together, we can provide education, healthcare, proper nutrition, and empowerment to so many children and families in desperate need.

Discover the impactful work we have accomplished through nearly 20 years of experience in the slums of Nairobi and rural areas in Kenya.






South American



The work of Alice for Children holds collective significance.

Africa is the only continent experiencing significant population growth over the next 80 years: from the current 1.4 billion people, it is projected to reach 2.5 billion by 2050 and 4.3 billion by 2100. At the end of this century, the global population will be divided as shown.


Companies that have collaborated with us on CSR projects

More than 50 companies have supported us and carried out projects with us over the years.

More than 50 companies have supported us and carried out projects with us over the years.

Many of these companies have been long-time sponsors of ours, and they continue to support us. We express our heartfelt gratitude for their ongoing contributions and dedication to improving the lives of our children.

The fiscal advantages

Disclaimer: For Italian companies, kindly refer to the information in the paragraph below.
For non-Italian companies, it is advisable to consult with tax professionals who are familiar with the relevant tax laws and regulations in both jurisdictions, including your home country. For example, in the United States, depending on specific requirements based on applicable tax laws, companies can potentially receive tax benefits by supporting an international non-governmental organization. Research and explore the tax breaks and benefits that may be available for supporters of NGOs in your country.

The following information is in regards to fiscal advantages in Italy:

Thanks to the reform of the Third Sector, as of January 1, 2018, there are more tax benefits for supporters of non-profit organizations, Voluntary Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, and Social Cooperatives.

Tax breaks for cash donations:

Companies can deduct the amount donated up to 10% of declared income, without the 70,000 euro cap provided until 2017.

Unlike the previous regime, however, it is allowed, again within the 10% limit, to carry over any unused surplus until the fourth subsequent year (pursuant to Art.83 Dlgs 117/2017 of 3/7/17 paragraph 2).

The deductions provided for in Art.100 c.2 T.U.I.R remain in place and therefore it is still possible to deduct 100% of donations not exceeding 30,000 euros in favor of ONLUS, while donations exceeding 30,000 euros can be deducted up to 2% of the declared business income (Art.100 paragraph 2 T.U.I.R, letter h D.P.R. 917/86)

Tax benefits for non-monetary donations:

Companies can deduct the value of the donated asset up to 10% of the total declared income.

The Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of November 28, 2019 in implementation of Article 83, Paragraph 2 of the Legislative Decree of 3/07/17 identifies the types of goods that entitle to tax deduction or deduction from the taxable base for income tax purposes, and establishes the criteria and methods of valuing goods that can be the subject of liberal donations in kind.