In the extreme poverty of Nairobi’s slums, thousands of girls cannot go to school, are forced to work for pennies a day, and are married off very young.

You can change all of this!
Become a long-distance parent, give a girl child hope for a better future.

In the extreme poverty of Nairobi’s slums, thousands of girls cannot go to school, are forced to work for pennies a day, and are married off very young.
You can change all of this!
Become a long-distance parent, give a girl child hope for a better future!
Choose to make a gift with Alice For Children and become part of our village! 
You will be making a vital contribution to the growth of a child in the Nairobi slum 🌟

In the living hell of slums, human rights are denied and trampled, in particular children’s and women’s rights.

They live with less than one euro per day, they work in the dumps, they have no food or hygienic services.

Our work in Kenya begins in 2006: since then, we have become bigger, but our values remain the same. We made a lot. 

We want to do even more.

Sustaining a humanitarian project in Kenya helps children to survive in the slums and rural areas. 

The goal is to give them a new life, a hope for the future.

Becoming a volunteer in Africa means to undertake a journey of personal and professional growth. Enhance your potential, discover new horizons, get involved.

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Alice for Children

has been operating since 2006 in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya, in defence of the most vulnerable childood.

Watch the video to understand who we are!

Play Video

Alice for Children

has been operating since 2006 in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya, in defence of the most vulnerable childood.

Watch the video to understand who we are!

Play Video



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